What we can do for you


Developing Positive Relationship Workshop

Access staff are trained and supported by managers to create a positive, supportive, caring and nurturing environment for young people to live. This is particularly important for young people with complex needs or behavioural issues due to past experience of abuse or neglect. Our staff understand the impact of abuse and neglect on a young person’s behaviour and therefore organise weekly in-house support groups, workshops or 1:1 session that is needed to help recover self-esteem, resilience and trust.

You should know…

Partnership Working

Access work collaboratively with other professionals including social workers, personal advisers, health professionals, police, youth offending teams, probation, schools, voluntary sector and employers to adequately support young people and deliver positive outcome. We understand the diverse needs of individual young person and work in partnership with relevant professionals and services in order to meet their needs, the impact of abuse and neglect and to enable the children and young people to reach their potential.


Achieve & Enjoy

At Access we recognise that fulfilling potential is not just about educational achievement but also about support young people identity what they are good at or what the enjoy doing and give them opportunity to realise their hopes and dreams through work experience, apprenticeships or training program to help them develop their self-belief and prepare to transition to adult life.

You should consider giving us a call right away, we are more than able to assist you.